L’application pour faire des dons à des ONG en cryptomonnaies, et leur offrir la possibilité de les faire fructifier, grâce à la technologie blockchain et à la finance décentralisée.

Helpers Social Development Foundation

This project will provide basic school supplies to reduce the rate of out-of-school children in Enugu State, Nigeria. 18.5 children are out of school in Nigeria and 10.5 million children are girls. Supporting this initiative will help close the gap by helping more underprivileged children to stay in school. There will be relief on the burden of parents, who are unemployed to provide these basic essentials for underprivileged children.

Commons Stack

Commons Stack is raising funds to cover the costs of launching new Commons, continuing to evolve our Technical and Cultural Builds, developing protocols that can be open-sourced so any community can deploy a Commons using our design patterns, and our general operational costs

Relocating Web3 Iranians

Protests are breaking out all over the country, despite the fact that protesters are regularly arrested, tortured and too often die while in custody. There are so many arrests by plainclothes police officers that kidnappings are starting to happen in daylight and people simply assume it is the police. It is frankly unsafe to be in Iran right now, especially if you are in web3